debb Wilcox
Debora (debb) Wilcox has more than 30 years’ experience as both a client and a research executive in marketing research and evaluation. Her experience spans a variety of products and services ranging from restaurants to nonprofit agencies. She has extensive experience in research design, questionnaire construction, analysis, reporting and presentations. debb creates a special personalized “survey tool” to collect data from any or all of the following groups: donors, clients, board members, staff, community leaders and other stakeholders. After collecting data, debb creates a detailed report with a special focus on the areas of highest importance to your own stakeholders. She designed and implemented a special custom program for the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH), Visitors Count!. This national program assesses museum audience experiences; it has helped more than 125 museums do a better job of strategic planning, marketing, interpretation, etc. in part by statistically determining what actually “drives” a positive museum experience at the individual museum level. In addition to working with museums with AASLH, she has conducted research for more than 50 human service agencies and foundations.