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Multicultural Lens (Online Classroom)

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Based on leading data-driven cultural models, the Multicultural Lens (MCL) Cultural Agility Training offers a simplified framework for navigating the hidden rules of culture. Skilling up on cultural agility enables individuals, teams and organizations to adapt approaches to work effectively, to serve customers and solve problems. These rules dictate how we define respect, how we view leadership, how we represent ourselves, how we approach conflict and how we effectively communicate with one another. Participants learn to identify meaningful differences and potential gaps in cultural expectations that have the potential to create tension or erode trust. 

Learning Objectives:
1.    Provide language and a common framework to talk about cultural expectations and underlying competing values
2.     Identify gaps in cultural expectations at the interpersonal, team, and organizational levels and understand how meaningful differences impact trust and psychological safety
3.    Build awareness of how the cultural tensions can lead to bias; explore cultural bias identification and mitigation while increasing comfort to engage across diverse cultural spectrums with customers, team members and key stakeholders to ensure all voices are heard and counted

Suggested Career Path: Program Leader  (Mid-career nonprofit professionals who lead teams and programs; 5-10 years serving in the nonprofit sector)  

June 15th, 2021 from  9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Workshop Price
Member $50 / Nonmember $100 $100.00
Certificate Details
Certificate Course Multicultural Lens (CI)
Event Topics & Instructor
Primary Community Impact
Instructor Culture Shift Team
WP Bio Slug /team/ann-gillespie/
Leadership Details
Career Path