The course illustrates the neurological processes behind trust-building, especially among those of varying backgrounds. Bias is further examined as it relates to cognition and our interaction with external clients and stakeholders. With an in-depth study of majority privilege, this course equips organizations with the tools to understand and manage bias in internal practices and external relationships.
Understand brain science at work in creating and perpetuating bias and stereotypes
Examine disruption and innovation as they relate to deconstructing biases
Explore generational factors that lead to and foster biases
Understand the performance “bonus” that inclusive design thinking provides
Investigate the power of networks and provide practical tools to fight unconscious bias within personal and professional arenas
Demonstrates the correlation between trust-building, internal process innovation and client outcomes for business operations and organizational culture
Provides actionable steps toward breaking down bias and majority privilege within organizations to impact better external client outcomes
Builds strategy around intentional team building, problem solving, and authentic inclusive behavior
About the Instructors: The Culture Shift Team is a consulting agency of leading experts in multicultural marketing, public relations, community engagement, customer experience, and diversity strategy. Our mantra is the Platinum Rule: "Treat others the way they would like to be treated.” We help our clients create value around this model. Each engagement delivers a customized, results-oriented plan to meet our client's objectives. Our goal is to help you build lasting, sustainable relationships with your internal and external customers and stakeholders.
Nashvlle, TN 37210
United States
Member $75 / Nonmember $150 | $150.00 |
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