Scenario Planning and Cash Management Techniques to Maintain Financial Strength (Online Classroom)

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As nonprofits reflect on their social impact and face pressure on their funding sources, they are increasingly thinking of new ways to deliver their services with less capital available. This workshop will provide financial strategies to nonprofits.  During this interactive session, the following topics will be covered: Profit & Loss (P&L) analysis & trending, scenario planning, cash flow forecasting and expense management.  Discussions will cover key financial statements, how they work together, and what you can do to remain financially sound.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss ways to assess P&L performance and to present financial results to senior leaders
  • Scenario Planning - Create best, middle, and worst-case scenarios for the next 12 months with clear plans on how to respond to each 
  • Benchmark your organization’s operating reserve ratio against other nonprofits and track monthly liquid reserves as part of your contingency planning
  • Explore ways to make your organization more cost efficient including a look at the relationship between budget size and # of Full Time Employees.

Suggested Career Path: Organizational Leader (Advanced-career nonprofit professionals at the senior level; C-suite and Director levels)

February 25th, 2021 from  9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Workshop Price
Member $50 / Nonmember $100 $100.00
Certificate Details
Certificate Course 2020-2021 Scenario Planning and Cash Management Techniques to Maintain Financial Strength (Rev Dev)
Event Topics & Instructor
Primary Revenue Development
Instructor Matthew Barrett
WP Bio Slug
Leadership Details
Career Path