Core Coaching for Nonprofit Professionals (In-Person)

 Registration is closed for this event

Have you ever wondered if there was a better way to manage your direct reports or work with your peers? Have you heard a bit about coaching techniques, but want to learn more? CNM’s Core Coaching Skills for Nonprofit Professionals will introduce you to the fundamentals of workplace coaching and empower you to try out your newfound skills with a seasoned executive coach. (Lunch is provided.)

Facilitator: Nicole Provonchee

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover the difference between mentoring, managing, and coaching – and when it is best to use each approach
  • Identify and define your own unique coaching style
  • Learn and practice the GROW model of coaching, a simple and very effective coaching model that is easy to use in the workplace with your direct reports and colleagues 

(*CNM reserves the right to move in-person workshops to Zoom or an alternate location if public health conditions or other logistical considerations warrant.)



Note: This workshop can be used as an elective for all CNM Certificate programs requiring additional electives for completion.

*Workshop times are Central Standard Time.

November 14th, 2024 from  9:00 AM to  2:30 PM
1610 54th Avenue N., Suite 225
Nashville, TN 37209
United States
Workshop Price
Member $135 / Nonmember $180 (5 hour) $180.00
Certificate Details
Certificate Course
Event Topics & Instructor
Primary Nonprofit Leadership
Secondary Program Management
Instructor Nicole Provonchee
WP Bio Slug
Leadership Details
Career Path